13 Apr

Basic marketing techniques for your business

basic marketing techniques for your business

Keys of your Success!

To achieve your goals, you must enter in a mechanism to position your business and obtain new customers or contracts. You have to know to profit from each dollar invested in advertisement and promotional campaigns.

Even if you have a lot of money to advertise your business, it is insufficient to succeed. You need to invest yourself personally and interact with your customers/future customers. Knowning how to sell, knowning how to sell yourself and how to sell it, these are your goals.


Advertising is one way as another to let know about you. Although you can have a huge budget for advertising, if you use it bad or point in all of it in the wrong direction, the results will be disappointing.

There is no need to invest in a full-page ad in the newspaper regularly, if there’s proeminent gaps in your customer service or your presentation.

Advertising brings a fresh look at you and your business but it does not retain the potential client nor wisely advise him or convince him.


The human factor

Your input is really essential. In your marketing plan, you must use the current tools to represent you and build relationships with your customers. Social networks are essential in this process. If you are not already into it, you need to be!

Personal contact, rapid answers to their questions, hide nothing to the customer (the real price or warranty etc) will make all the difference. Make sure you act like a leader and a professional.


Leadership ability

To sell, you must lead the sale. The client consults you for a solution. It is imperative that you led the discussion by seeking the needs of your customer, allowing him to take his decision then. If you let the customer lead the meeting or the discussion, he will not have confidence in your ability to solve his problem.



Perform updates of the content of your website. If your website is not up to date, start with this step. refresh each page, add new products, promotions or discounts.



Your regular customers and your happy customers will make testimonials about your abilities. Ask them if your prospects can call them or meet them to inquire about the service you have offered. Offer them a certain percentage of customers that they refer you or freebies on their next purchase.


Basic Marketing

You need:

– A “mobile-friendly” website;

– A web SEO plan to position your products and services on Google;

– To be enrolled in the local directory in your neighborhood or region;

– To establish a budget of 20% for printed targeted advertising door to door;

– To meet people, join associations or invest some time with friends, relatives, colleagues;

– To interact in social networks and be active.


Success through diversity

None of the above factors can not be ignored. Good marketing requires a diversity of mechanisms that you deploy to the public.

Internet Cloud Canada provides web solutions adjusted to current standards and we can design your logos, advertising and even do the distribution of it. You have at the same address, the key to your success whether it will be on the Internet, on social networks or doors to doors.

We can take charge of the management of your marketing factors to place your business in the path of success!

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer you or send you a quote.

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01 Apr

Google Webmaster Tools : Cleanup needed?

google webmaster tools

Spring is really close and on this April 1st, it would be time to ask yourself when the last time you visited the Google Webmaster Tools. Why? Well because there’s lot of statistics and informations to help you out manage your site’s ranking in the Google’s index.

If you have never heard of these tools, I highly recommend you create a Google account if you have not already one and to register your site to Webmaster Tools. If it’s been a few weeks or a few months, it might be time to do some cleanup too!


Key aspects

The main aspects to consider is:

– Check the Sitemaps

– Check crawl errors

– Check the robots.txt file

– Read personalized messages sent by Google


Check Sitemaps

The sitemap contains all the links of your site. You can have only one sitemap or a combination of sitemaps. Making sure there are no read errors on your sitemap, ensure you that Google bots are able to properly index your website.


Check crawl errors

Crawl errors are often erroneous links that lead to pages 404 (error not found). By clicking on the “Exploration” tab and then “Error of exploration”, you will find them.

Correcting errors 404, increase your ranking by valuable backlinks to your site. With Google Webmaster Tools, the referring websites are visible and this allows you to correct the error on your side or to modify the information of your referrer.


Check ROBOTS.TXT file

Make sure Google can navigate comfortably on your website without been blocked by a line of code in the robots.txt file. If Google is partially blocked or completely blocked, your pages will not be indexed.

Alweys in the “Exploration” tab, click “Test Tool for robots.txt”. Google will analyze the file for you and you can fix it then.

For your information, often ROBOTS.TXT file is causing a conflict in representing a site that is “mobile friendly”. In other words, if your robots.txt file is not optimized, it can tell Google that your site is not compatible with mobile devices. On 21st of April, your site will be greatly penalized in Google is that robots.txt file is not fixed.


Read personalized messages sent by Google

Consider all the communications that Google sent to you in your dashboard. You will receive useful tips that will help you better rank your website

Have a look at Google Webmasters Tools and not just once a year! The ideal is to visit it every week or several times a week depending on your interest to have a better ranking!

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26 Mar

Will you loose your Google Ranking on April 21 2015?

conformité google mobile friendly au 21 avril classement google

Will you be one of those who will lose their ranking (pagerank) and all your SEO efforts put into your website next 21 April 2015?

That is what is likely to happen to all the websites that will not be “mobile friendly”, as stated by GOOGLE. Your site must on that date have specific criteria in order to pass this test.

All non-compliant sites will lose their Google ranking in favor of Sites “responsive” or “mobile friendly”. The loss of ranking is not explained in detail because Google loves always keep a gray area in almost everything related to the management of internet sites and for the webmasters.

Certainly, the path is drawn, and those who will not comply will pay the price, which ended with the fall of audience and at the same time : Sales.


Verification tool

You can check the compliance of your site to the notion of “mobile-friendly” using the : COMPATIBILITY TEST MOBILE FRIENDLY

If your site does not pass the test, make sure to make the changes before the famous April 21st! It must be considered to pass the test:

– The content must adapt to the medium if not, the site must have a mobile version

– The size of the text and the font chosen must be sufficiently readable

– Flash animations are not compatible with mobile

– The call to action buttons must be are easily clickable and not too close to each other



Our technicians can help you solve what we call “The bug of 2015″ because it is difficult to predict whether this will be a hard line applied by Google or a slap on the wrist for those who are slow to join the gang in the race for speed and adaptability on Google.

We can give you a free quote on your site and make it conform before the fateful date of 21 April.

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