22 Apr

Google Analytics : Website Bounce Rate Analysis

Google Analytics : Website Bounce Rate analysis

Google Analytics is a beautiful suite of tools for webmasters. It allows you to analyze your visitors in order to statistically determine their behavior on your website. There are dozens of different factors to know where they come from, their age group, interests etc.

The Bounce Rate tells you wich page has been viewed by a visitor who left it just after. Meaning that he only viewed that page and not the rest of your website.

The factor is assessed by comparing the number of visits and the exits made on pages. There is also a time indicator offered by Google Analytics on the bounce rate.

Do not mix Bounce rate and Exit rate. The exit rate is from wich page the visitor leaves your website after a few pages viewed.


Should I worry about a high bounce rate?

The answer is not so simple as it seems. Bounce rate is an indicator but every website is different in nature and there are also similar rates of rebounds between websites of the same nature.

Essentially, you have to worry about a bounce rate of 0% and 100%. The 0% would indicate that your analytics tool includes a bug or the installation was done incorectly. as 0% is impossible to achieve.

A bounce rate of 100% (if there is a lot of visits of course), would indicate no interest of all your visitors to your website. It could be due to the user interface, the bad informations provided by the referral links or a misunderstanding on the product or service based on the domain name.

It is normal to see a higher bounce rate on mobile devices because users usually seek a specific answer or tend to perform a specific task more than navigate throughout the site and take time to read all the contents.


Bouncing rates observed in general

There are some general trends in the bounce rate percentages, here are a few:

– 10-30% for service sites
– 20 to 40% for online shops
– 40 to 60% for the content websites
– 70 to 98% for blogs

It should be noted that if the “contact us” page shows a high bounce rate is almost normal. The person takes the information to contact you and leaves your website …

In general, most SEO’s specialists will tell you that a bounce rate of 50% or less is acceptable and 50% or more should be digged.


How to analyze the result?

This is not because the bounce rate is high on your web site, that the content is not interesting or poorly presented:

“If you’re a plumber in Laval and offer your services in your area only, but the SEO has been done a liitle too wider including other cities, it will affect your bounce rate. When a visitor living in Ontario, for example, visit your website, he will find that you are not in his area, he’ll leave your site to find a provider closer to him. “

Is it that your website is lack of interest? NO! But in this situation, the statistics will be added to your bounce rate anyway. This is an example that shows that the bounce rate is not a real factor of a poor quality website.


How to improve your bounce rate?

It generally follow all the rules for a good Website : Relevant content, a beautiful presentation, a site that fits all devices and refresh the content regularly.

You may find that the bounce rate on mobile devices is very high while the one for desktop computers is normal. This could suggest you to revamped its mobile version in order to improve the user experience on these devices.

Finally, not all visitors want to “buy” your products or services, so they will not all commit. Keep a eye on every factors, minimize programming errors and improve the user experience and you should see your bounce rate decrease.

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21 Apr

Google Armageddon #April21 Arrives

Google Armageddon #April21 Arrives

The Google Armageddon has arrived! Google’s algorithm identifies websites adaptable to the mobile devices of those who are not. Widely advertised on the Internet by the experts, it’s a revolution that classifies all quality websites.

Google wants the webmasters to enhance the content for mobile devices. Better standards will never harm legitimate businesses and webmasters dedicated to providing a good user experience to their visitors will rank higher.


Classification “MOBILE FRIENDLY”

Like all, we share in the results of search engines positions depending on the quality of our web site, our backlinks and general SEO done etc. If you look for example at our website (www.internetcloud.ca) in the Google search engine, you will see “MOBILE FRIENDLY” under the main title.

This is the change, a new label “mobile friendly”. We evaluated that many of our competitors do NOT have currently this label …

It will be interesting in the coming days and weeks to see how it will affect their ranking beside their current positions.


What is the real impact?

It should, and we enforce “it should” because many gray areas exist in the changes Google make… The mobilegeddon should affect the SEO ranking of your website in the results on mobile devices only.

On desktop computers, using your internet connection at home or office, there should not be any changes in your rankings. But a good web developer will never take this as cash.

In our opinion, it is best to make your website adapted to the latest standards than suffer any preference or face a penalty. It is more difficult to rehabilitate a website on search engines to make the appropriate changes.


I do not see “MOBILE FRIENDLY” in the search results!

If you are on a mobile device and you do not see this tag in search results for your website, it is time to act!

1. Test your website on Google Developers

2. Correct the errors if possible

3. Contact us so we can help you if you fail to make your website compliant.


At more or less long term, mobile sites will be completely favorite and the others relegated to the bottom or worst, in another search results section of Google. Your brand will suffer greatly from this change because over 80% of visitors use a mobile device for Internet browsing and research.


HTTPS, the next big change?

We believe that the next major change in the Google algorithm will concern the secured websites. There already has “HTTPS” labels that are beginning to appear in the search results.

Greater security for content on webpages is very an interesting tool to distinguish serious companies from others. We encourage you to advance to this standard now as certainly more a website is secure, the faster it will be an advantage in the future.

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17 Apr

Toxic Links, weapons of mass destruction for your SEO


In the multitude of factors that exist to promote a website and especially to maintain and improve its SEO, toxic links have a big impact. A toxic link is a page link to or from your website that causes penalties in your ranking.

There is an entire “world” that revolves around toxic links. Most of the time, the owner of the website by ignorance or non competent skills create toxic links. On the other hand, there is what is called NEGATIVE SEO an unfair technique used occasionally by competitors or hackers to make SPAM links to your site and make you lose your SEO ranking.

Of course, it is rare to see this technique applied, but it is part of any serious analysis of a SEO strategy. Internet Cloud Canada, conducts a rigorous security analysis for customers to determine if they are victims of such attacks before and in real time.


So…, SEO is easy?

Absolutely not! We have mentioned several times in our posts that it is really difficult for a novice. That is why we present regular posts on factors affecting the ranking of your web sites and your pages.


My website have toxic links?

There are some factors that can tell you if your website has toxic links:

1. You receive a notice from Google stating that you have.

2. You see a fast decrease of your ranking in Google.

3. Your pages are not indexed.

4. Your site is attacked by a virus or malware infection.



Keep the links in your sight

You must keep the links of your website in your sight constantly. For this, the Google Webmasters tools are perfect! Simply go to the “Search Traffic” section and “Links to your site”. You can view and download the list as needed.

It will be easy to identify wich website links to your’s and if by mistake or because you suffer of NEGATIVE SEO attack you have some bad links. Google let you build a disavow links list if needed. Google established this procedure to protect you from NEGATIVE SEO ATTACKS. Always act quickly in order to do not lose your good links and ranking.

Time is a huge factor in SEO. So if you do not keep an eye on your links and discover after weeks or months, an attack, you will see the visitors ratio drop on your website and all your related potential sales too. Consider also that if you have created a list to disavow links, Google response time is also to be taken in consideration before recovering to your original SEO state.

It is always better to hire a specialist in this field, and our technicians are at your disposal!


Protect your links from a potential yourself!

It can happen that “Spammers” pretend to be you and try to destroy your good links by contacting the operators of the referrers websites. So protect your links ensuring you always contact the websites giving you very good links via an email address under your own domain name and not with a free email such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc.

Also keep an updated list of your links, allowing you to find them if they ever disappear.

The “Spammers” also use the technique “copy /paste” of your website as a weapon of mass destruction by toxic links. Visit Copyscape and see who copy the content of your website!



I created toxic links!

It is possible to avoid creating toxic are links to your website by taking a few precautions:

A. Check the PR (Page Rank) of the website that will refer you. Although PR is not ever used by Google in the overall optimization, there is a gray area where we believe the PR always plays a role to some degree. The higher the “PR”, the higher the site is trusted.

B. Look at the contents of the site that will refer you and take care to see if it contains content related to your field.

C. Never pay for directory links or other web site.

D. Do not link you to websites that are already penalized by Google.

E. Do not make enemies on social networks or blogs or otherwise. We never really know with whom we deal.

F. Do not publish low-end content as a visitor on external blogs by linking your website.

Use these tips to protect yourself from attacks of NEGATIVE SEO and to improve the quality of your links on the Internet. Building a good SEO takes longer but gives the expected results! Avoid shortcuts because they are often trapped by penalties.

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