18 Dec

Google indexes more intensely HTTPS pages

Google indexes more intensely HTTPS pages

Google announced that the HTTPS pages will be better ranked and prefered according to certain criteria in the positioning of research results. A website secured by a security certificate will benefit from better visibility in the Google search engine.
This process was initiated but it is clear that a visitor must have a private and secure relationship between him and the website. Google will index the default HTTPS pages using the following criteria:


– It doesn’t contain insecure dependencies.
– It isn’t blocked from crawling by robots.txt.
– It doesn’t redirect users to or through an insecure HTTP page.
– It doesn’t have a rel=”canonical” link to the HTTP page.
– It doesn’t contain a noindex robots meta tag.
– It doesn’t have on-host outlinks to HTTP URLs.
– The sitemaps lists the HTTPS URL, or doesn’t list the HTTP version of the URL
– The server has a valid TLS certificate.


This may seem like a lot of criteria, but in fact it is more exceptions than actually criteria because few pages are in this situation unless you decided it.

We must therefore now obtain an SSL certificate and switch to a HTTPS website to offer a better user experience and SEO results!

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