08 May

Target will pay $10M in damages

Target will pay $10M in damages

Security of sensitive data is a must and when a breah occurs this might be really dramatic for the business. Those who do not stay updated, or take adequate safety  measures maybe at risk! Target has learned it hardly.

In 2013 between 27th November to 15th December, Target was the victim of an attack that resulted in the loss of customer credit card data. A hacking software was installed on their payment terminals where customers swipe their payment cards.

Virtually almost all of the 1,797 Target stores have been affected by the pirates.

The perpetrators were able to make clones of the credit and debit cards to make large-scale fraud. Since then, Target has been the object of 15 different lawsuits for this data loss.

It is estimated that 4 million card numbers and information about their customers have been stolen. The proposal must be approved soon by a federal court of justice in Minnesota next week.


Target in trouble

Target in Canada did not last 2 years here. Unable to adapt to the Canadian reality and compete mainly with Walmart, they closed all their stores. Target was something near the same nature as Zellers. Big Surface Stores, no real good products or good prices even the atmosphere was not there.

In the US, Target has laid off 13% of its employees or 1700 of them. Very often (if not almost all the time), closing stores and doing laid off gives a slap to the capitalization, it reassures investors! It only pushes the inevitable in many cases. Is Target near dead?


Change of horizon

Restructuring, long-term planning or other reasons are often mentioned, but the fact remains that superstores have more and more difficulties to adapt to the new trend of online shopping.

We have seen with Future Shop, Dumoulin electronics even brand clothing stores in Montreal close their doors one after the other.

What worked yesterday does not guarantee success tomorrow!

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07 May

How to choose a WordPress Theme?

How to choose a Wordpress Theme?

Although we believe that you should do business with professional web designers, many choose the risky path of a WordPress theme.

This should not bother you that other websites be like yours are at the start, because unless you have a good knowledge of programming and knowledge of WordPress, customizing a theme is more complicated than it seems. You will need to invest considerable time to understand the logic (if any) in the programmation of the theme.

Your desire is still to go with this solution? Okay! Take care to follow a few tips …


Basic Tips

1. Make sure you test the demo of the theme on multiple devices. Test on iPad, on iPhone and other mobile devices. If the theme does not respond well on mobile, it is not worth the trouble to go further.

2. If you are able to view support requests in the forum, analyze them. Look at the response time of the designer and the satisfaction of other buyers.

3. Try to choose 3-5 themes that could meet your needs and analyze them all on the same level. Compare prices, functions and thestability of the wordpress theme.

4. Choose a theme with a light structure, assuring you to have a fast website.

5. Make sure that the theme accepts popular extensions like Visual Composer and WPML for translation.

6. Feel free to ask questions on the Forum, with respect on specific concepts that are perhaps not clearly specified and before purchasing the theme!

7. Check whether the documentation is complete for the theme.

8. Analyze or ask if the theme facilitates SEO or if you need additional extensions.

9. Compare prices and user experience it provides.

10. Make sure the theme is compatible with popular  cache plugins

Note finally that if the theme designer has not updated the theme for several months, it might be abandoned and it will not respond to your future needs.

These few checks will help you have a better website at the end and you will avoid losing your money and your temper!

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06 May

Evaluate the Mobilegeddon Impact on your Website

Evaluate the Mobilegeddon Impact on your Website

Google Mobilegeddon Impact

Since the urecent pdate of Google, this last 21 April, it is not easy to see the impact of this measure on websites. To help you in this important task, Google has now introduced further analysis queries in Webmasters Tools.

You are now able to see the difference on requests from a computer, a mobile and make comparisons “BEFORE” and “AFTER” April 21st. Have a look at the picture included in this article, you’ll see the line delimiting April 21.

It will offers all webmasters the opportunity to dig deeper into the statistics to isolate potential problems with SEO.


Mobile searches

Google announced that research on Mobile now exceed those on computers in 10 unspecified countries. We are now understanding why this update was made by Google.


A future reached

Websites owners must adapt to the reality that visitors are now increasingly on their mobile devices as they browse the web.

Web designers, must plan the website to be mobile friendly at least but we think that soon, they will create websites for mobile and then adapt them for desktop computers. The increasing popularity of mobile in all aspects of our lives shows that the balance has shifted to the other side.

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